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I am looking at the beautiful moon and thinking about that night when I gave you the first kiss, it was one of the best days of my life because it meant the start of our sweet love story, have a good night my girlfriend. “

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Sometimes I want the night to be much longer to keep you longer in my dreams, sometimes I want the night to be short to wake up and go running to your side, that means I am really in love with you my princess. “ 

Do not count what u have lost. just see what u have now, because past never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! ‘good night’ 

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When I go to sleep hugging my pillow I imagine it is you. Someday I will have the privilege of sleeping next to you, for now I will settle for dreaming about you every night. I love you so much. 

Everyday I love you more than I did the day before. I can’t image how I could possibly love you more than I do but somehow everyday I manage it. I can’t wait for tomorrow to love you more again. 

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I started counting one star in the sky for each reason I love you…Then I ran out of stars and I realized the reasons are infinite. 

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Goodnight, my prince, my love, my everything. Sleep well and dream of your princess. 

good night sweet dreams

You mean the world to me, don’t forget that. Goodnight and sweet dreams. 

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The thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me awake longer and longer each night 

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My day has been hectic, it’s been non stop and I never got to see you. It was hard but  the thought of falling asleep without saying goodnight to you was unbearable. Goodnight, sleep tight, I can’t wait until the next time I see you. 

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You’re in my heart tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sweet dreams, handsome. 

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I’d walk a million miles to sleep with you tonight.

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During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. By night, I really miss you. 

good night texts bülent boz

Night Is A Nice Gift, So Open The Gift By Closing Your Eyes You Will See The Another Wonderful World Waiting For You… Enjoy It With Sweet Dreams…

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I keep hugging the pillow and wishing it was you. It’s hard not being with you. 

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Goodnight, handsome. 

have a nice sleep

I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. 
Have a nice sleep!

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I’d walk a million miles to sleep with you tonight. 

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I keep hugging the pillow and wishing it was you. It’s hard not being with you. 

have a nicer sleep good night

I wish moon always be full & bright and U always be cool & right. Whenever U go to switch off the light, Remeber that I'm wishing U ...Good Night! 

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Good night, nice dreams, love and peace! 

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No matter how far you are... you are always in my thoughts! Good night. 

good night sweet dreams

Everyday I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Can't wait for the morning. Good night baby. 

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Goodnight my love, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my love, may tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me. 

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Touch your heart, close ur eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight. Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight.

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I long for you each night if i give u my heart will u promise not 2 break it I want u to want me I need u to love me I dream so I can see u

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Tonight, I'll fall asleep with you in my heart!

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During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. But at night, I really miss you.

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Good night! Sweet dreams and a nice sunrise!!

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Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today.

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And I would never let it pass without telling you – I’m thinking of you. Have a good night.

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I love my kitty bear, goodnight!

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Kiss me goodnight and love me forever!

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May angel wishes watch over your sleep tonight.

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You are the rose that makes the garden of my life beautiful, fragrant and complete. Good Night sweetheart.

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The most beautiful thing about every night is not the stars being with the moon or cool breeze being with the clouds, but you being with me. Good Night.

I think of you as soon as I wake up and then again before I fall asleep. You see, you’re never out of my thoughts. Have a Good Night! 

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I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, I wanted to kiss you goodnight. 

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